America the Beautiful in our home

America is my country
and I love it with all my heart.

Each year I decorate with the few things that I
have to bring the wonderful red, white, and blue colors
of our flag into our home.

Where would I be without these colors?
I love to remember this, it means quite a lot to me
after living in Ethiopia for 2 years.  I missed this
country I love so much. 

The American flag hung from the door in our
living room so we could see it every day that we
were gone.

Yes, America is my country
and I love it with all my heart. 

Each of these table settings are a reflection of my love for America.
The red plates I purchased from Pier One years ago, the blue plates
with the bee hive was purchased from Deseret Book.
White place mats, a vintage table cloth from a antique store in 
Tennessee, blue glasses from the Dollar Tree, and paper napkins from
a year ago I packed away. 

Silverware is Michelangelo.
Part of a set from my mother's treasures that we
divided three ways.
The flower arrangement I made, the faux watermelon look
so very real. I use it every year!

The painted wooden flag my friend made for me.
The liberty rectangle mini plates were purchased at The Cracker Barrel.
This is the complete table setting.
We eat here in the sun room during the summer.
I so love this room that Dana built onto our home.
This area used to have a hot tub that we loved and used a lot,
but we decided to build a sauna in the house, 
and get rid of the hot tub.
One day, the hot tub was cut with a saw in four pieces
and off it went to the dump.
This room took its place,
where has it been all our years of living here.
It truly is my favorite room.

I found these cute star pillows at the after Christmas
sales. The cute store it came from is called Coming Home,
located in Salt Lake City.
I frequent it a lot!
The blanket was given to Dana for serving and volunteering for
Zions Bank, such a nice gesture for sure.
It has the Winter Olympics logo on it from 2002.
I love my red books tied with string.
They seem to come in quite handy in decorating for different

Last but not least are my park benches in the back yard.
Years ago I painted them to look like the American
Flag. I have two of them, and they stay this
way all year long. Does that say something about
my love for our country!
I do love this country, 

And so,
my fellow Americans,
Happy America!
Every day of the year!


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