Christmas Bedroom 2020

Oh, wow!
Who's bedroom is this?
That's how I feel everyday when I enter our 
bedroom. Why? For many, many years we had very
little, and it has taken so many years to build up a beautiful
room and have beautiful furniture all at the same time.

So to decorate for Christmas, add red to our room, red floral pillows
I bought at the local second hand store years ago, and 
new pillows, the grey pillows from Pottery Barn and the other pillows 
I made. I do make a lot of things, pillows are usually one of
them. So easy. Or as my grand daughter Annie says to me, "Easy
Peasy grandma!"

My husband makes our steampunk lamps. Pretty cool huh?
The fabric for the pillows is from JoAnns.

But the newest addition is the "Sleep in Heavenly Peace" my
daughter in law made for me. I am in love with it, and am not
sure if I will take it down after Christmas is over.
It may stay there for a while.

How did we end up with such a cute room?
The wall paper behind the bed is from Laura Ashley.
It has been on our bedroom wall for over 20 years. I so love
it and just let is stay there.
We each have a picture next to our side of the bed.
You know, Dana was a cowboy before we met.
I was a city girl. Well, we don't live on a farm, and we
don't live in the city! But we have elements of both.
We have pigeons and chickens. Dana calls them
his ladies. And we live within 10 minutes of shopping in our
small town, but on an acre and half of property.
Who could ask for more? We both have what we love.
He has a cowboy picture on his side of the bed, and I usually have
a flower, but I changed mine to a Christmas picture
for the season.

Linen is the bedspread, and sometimes it is hard to keep clean,
but love the linen and I have wanted it for years, so one day I splurged!
It really does look nice for the winter months.
 White 40's couch at the end of
our bed with a zebra skin draped over it and a few pillows is such a 
fun addition to the room. I bought it used from a friend of mine.

Just Christmassy and heavenly.

A fun little set for hot chocolate at night or cold mornings.
Silver platter, white tea pot, cups, and creamer, and Ralph
Lauren napkins.

I love the comfy cozy feel of our room.
The throw at the end of our bed was sent to my mother
from her mother when I was a young girl.
It is one of my treasures from mom.

So as Christmas comes and goes,
I hope that like Jesus, we can sleep in
heavenly peace, and you too.

Merry Christmas!



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