Organizing with The Home Edit Ideas

Good Morning!

Where do I begin?

So much has happened and I am silent in my home surviving Covid

and the election. We are all safe and sound in our community, no riots or

unrest. Thank goodness for sure! So life must be good, and for our little

corner in the world for now it is.

I have spent time over the last month cleaning and organizing my home. A project 

needed for sure, I think each year I'm gonna organize, but then, I get the

kitchen and the bathrooms done, and never get past that.

I have been inspired by the "THE" girls.

If you are not familiar with them "THE" stands for The Home Edit.

They also have a show on Netflix called "Get Organized" with The Home Edit.

I spent some time on pintrest learning how to fold and get more in a drawer,

then watching "Get Organized" and viola I started to work on my home.

I printed out a sheet of places to organize by the day, the 30 day declutter

challenge and I was off and running. 

Really? Really!

I started with drawers in my bedroom to get me inspired, and it inspired my husband too! 

He helped me with his sock drawer, his under the bed space, and his section of the 

bedroom closet!

This is a great January and February project, especially where I live in the

Rocky Mountains and there is lots of cold weather and snow.

This keeps me busy while I am trying to stay warm and cozy in the house.

Here is my sock and scarf drawer. 
I could not fit one quarter the scarves in here before,
and you could not see the number of socks I had before,
very cool.

My extra purse drawer.
This is a deep drawer, but for sure I wondered where I could put
these things, and they fit so neatly here.

One shelf in my bathroom closet.

My bathroom closet.

My linen and blanket closet.
It really isn't built easy to use, so there is a layer of
things deep behind the totes. The totes have the linens in them
and behind are bottles of laundry soap, clorox, etc.

This is extra stock that is in a cupboard above the washer and dryer.

Last but not least the pantry.
I was able to get these storage jars from my mom's storage
room when she died. I didn't really have a use for them, but brought
them home anyway. They now are used every day in my pantry.
Love how they look.

We also have a shelf for the small appliances.
Sometimes I just mix with my Kitchenaid, or blender
right inside the pantry cupboard. It is so nice to have a 
shelf like this. Keeps all these extra appliance off the counter top.

And there you have it!
My pantry inspired by "The Home Edit" girls.
Thanks for your help!
Love your show!


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