Christmas Tour 2019 The Kitchen

Each of us has a unique home that we decorate with our favorite
items for Christmas.  Where will they fit in 
the space that we live in....
the place we call home.
Each year as I pull out my Christmas boxes, I contemplate
what will I do this year?
Where will the nativities go.
How will they look in this space.

This year the boxes were so many, and I thought is it time
to downsize this year?  Well, ha, ha!
What was I thinking?  As I pulled out my favorite items,
and said an OHHH, I so love this, I knew there wasn't much
that was going to go far.

Today we will start with the kitchen.  
I recently painted the kitchen in a light grey.
Our friends told me, it looked white, but no it is grey,
and I also decided to distress the corners to give the
room some character.  

These are my first pictures with the room painted gray.

My kitchen is in a L shape, so it is hard to take pictures and
have them look amazing.  But this is my best try.
The chairs at the dinning table are wrapped with tassels and
painted grey as well.  This is just new for us,
the chairs were given to us by some sweet friends who
where making changes in their home.
I fell in love with them!  But when
I originally received them they were a chestnut wood,
I painted them Mindful Grey, and fell in love!

The room photographs way better with the grey.  I originally had
yellow distressed walls and when we photographed the
room really took on a very yellow hue.  The grey has made all the 
difference in the world to lightening and whitening the room.

The light fixture is new also, Dana made it from lights that were pulled
from a construction job, he attached them to a long board
and then screwed that to the ceiling.  And for free
our light was created, and I am in love.  It created lots of light in 
this room as well. 

As I turn around and shoot the photo from the table to the kitchen,
this is the foot of the L of my room.
I probably would paint the cabinets white, but I am married to a man
who isn't that in love with white, so sometimes we make
concessions so we are all happy in the space in which we live.

I do love this kitchen.
It is my dream kitchen, with double ovens, an island, an 
many areas of work space.  When our kids were living at home
Sundays were the time when each work space was in use,
all of us preparing something different after church 
for the Sunday meal.  I could not have asked for more.

The island is painted white and distressed,
I did get that far with the white.  The chairs are 
also white with beautiful stained seats.  
My next change in here will be granite on the island.  
I'll have to price that out in the future.

I love the pot rack above the island, and we installed the clock
in the middle of the pot rack, a $10 find at a salvage
store.  Ohhh, that was a feat,
I'll share that project with you one day.  

On the end of the island sits this wonderful light, with a huge
candle inside.  I fell
in love with one at Pottery Barn, but it was a bit out of
my price range, so Dana and I created this with 
a lamp that I found a few weeks later.  Now you can find them
in many places, maybe I should have waited? 
Mary and baby Jesus sitting on a donkey next to it.
The light sits on my cake stand from Gracious Goods.

Isn't it funny how patterns recycle!
About 2 years ago I found these napkins at a second hand
store.  I also found the bowl, which was white, and I colored it
with felt pen to make the diamond shapes on it.
Admittedly, this was tedious but effective.

Our son found this gold silverware at a second hand store,
still not cheap, but he knows how I love these things,
and they are my Christmas present for this year.
I promised  I would wrap the box and put it under the tree.
It will happen, minus the 2 sets here on the island.

I always set 2 place settings. 
One for Dana and I and this is where we eat lunch and 
breakfast everyday.  Oh, not with these dishes,
But with others, and then these are replaced.

In the kitchen window are these small nativities.
Our home is Christ Centered, and so all around each room
are nativities.  Each from a different country, here
Germany, Ethiopia, and Israel are represented.

I had a real hard time taking a clear picture of the pot rack on the 
island to show all the ornaments and stars hanging on the rack.
They are quite effective, and this brings color to the 
island and lots of little hands away from the glass ornaments
that I have collected over the years.

I used to put them on the chandelier over the kitchen table,
but we upgraded to the farmhouse light set, and
there isn't any place to hang them anymore.
The island seemed like a safe new place.

Each year over the buffet is my sweet picture of Mary and baby
Jesus by Simon Dewey.  Oh, how I love this picture, 
and the sweetness of what this represents.  You can just
feel Mary's  joy and love through this beautiful

So this is it.
My L shaped kitchen with all the Christmas I can
fill on each part of this well used room.

On the dinning table is this sweet arrangement with baby Jesus and a crown.
He is my king!
He brings me joy!
I believe in Him!

Our Christmas in the kitchen.
Our Refined Farmhouse.



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