Refurbished Pot rack

We have been working on updating the Kitchen.

 This is the pot rack light that hangs
over the top of the island.

We purchased this light/pot rack 6-7 years ago at Lowes.
It didn't have the clock, but it did have everything else,
it was just all the same color of bronze.

We found a clock at a outlet store that I thought might work in the middle
of the lamp.  I hummed and hawwed around trying to decide
if I wanted to get it, or if it would really work.

It came looking like this if I put it on the clock,
so I thought I would have to take the clock face off and turn it around.
I asked the fellow at the store how much?  Of course it wasn't marked.
and he said $10.  I thought ok, mm maybe I can make this work.
He said, did you know the nice thing about 
this clock, as I brought it to the counter, I'm,  no,
He takes the clock, pulls the face off, it is attached with magnets,
and I realized I only have to turn it so it would work!!!!!
$10  SOLD!

Dana took the bars off from the original base
and attached those bars with screws to the top of the light.

I sprayed parts of the lamp with silver spray,
to lighten the light/pot hanger.

I sprayed the leaves silver and left the wide edge bronze.

The addition of the clock to the light fixture is so fun.
Not that I really need another clock in the kitchen, but the fixture 
needed updating to what we are doing with the kitchen.

We have added stainless appliances to the kitchen a few
years ago. It made a huge improvement on the way the kitchen
looks and it brings it up to date.
The silver on the pot rack makes this coordinate quite well.

Remember, you do not have to have everything white to have a farmhouse
look in your house.  Urban farmhouse is quite the look.
It isn't as bright, but it is farmhouse.

Admittedly, I would paint my cupboards white if it were just me living in 
our house.  But, my husband is not a fan of white, so for both parties
to be comfortable in our house the cabinets are natural.
I think there will be some changes in this soon, but only in accent spaces in the

Hopefully, lights in the ceiling will be next! 
I will add more updates on the kitchen as time goes on.



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