Valentines Decorating 2020

Happy February!

It's so hard to believe we are already in the second month of the year!
My mother was a seasonal cook in our home when 
I was growing up. She always made the very best of every occasion.

She made food that made your mouth water thinking about it.
Pink pancakes in the morning on Valentines day. 
Pink casserole for dinner.

She did something for every occasion that came on the calendar.
Admittingly, I did not get her gift for creating the best foods ever, though
we do not starve in our house, I'm not an incredible cook.

I did, however, find myself loving to decorate my home and to make things
with my hands, bringing my mind (my own ideas) and my hands 
together to create fun spaces and places.

Here is the door to my pantry in the kitchen.
I have a post on how to repaint a door in my past posts.
But for fun, I took an old heart grapevine wreath, tied it together
with a double red heart wreath I bought years ago at the dollar store,
added pink and red ribbon, 
and tucked in the wreath a little framed cross stitch I had made
for my mom years ago for her kitchen.

It turned out fun.
I love to recycle my decorations into something new each year.

Here I have just made a vignette with simple items in my kitchen.
I did however make the brandied fruit this year at Thanksgiving with
my daughter. It was way easier than I had thought it would be! 

Here is my cute Valentines girl.
I think she really was created for Christmas decorating,
but I love to have her out each year just for Valentines.
Love all the hearts on her hat and gloves.

Here are some more brandied fruit.
The oranges in the middle are kumquats from my daughter's citrus trees.
The other jars have cranberries and blueberries.

Next I have pictures of my china cabinet.
I try to take pictures of it with the door closed and it never turns out
good. This time, I opened the cabinet door and took my photos.
The rose dished I hand carried home on the plane from Germany.
My aunt gave them to me when we were visiting her some
years ago. These dishes were just a simple set from my Grandmother's
collection of dishes.
I felt very honored that she wanted to give them to me.
They come out every years about now.

Every place we visit, we hit the second hand stores and some antique
stores searching for silver pieces. Sometimes we find some pieces
and sometimes there isn't a thing. We have been doing this for over
10 years now. Searching, searching, searching.
Over time we have found some really nice pieces.
The china cabinet has some of these pieces intermingled with
the china. I really love the look that it creates in my home.

I wish my pictures were clearer.
I will try to do better next time!
More dishes from the china cabinet.

Isn't this just fun! I really scored on these!
Thanks Taunte Inge and Oma!

I also love white pitchers. They really are my vases in the summer.
I keep them full with the flowers growing in the garden.

Silver platters!
I have a project I created in one of my next posts with 
my silver platters. Seriously never thought I would have enough
platters to make a fun project!

Just a few tea cups came with the set. Oma used them all the time,
I however don't really use them. We are a mug generation!

Some of our coolest finds are these goblets.
We found four of them, the large ones in Montana, only $5 each.
The smaller goblet we found a set of 8 in a store in Salt Lake City.
Isn't that little tea pot just so cute!

My sunroom is the next stop.  I have these wooden angels that I have collected
over the years. Sometimes I use them, sometimes not.
This year seemed to be the year!
They are displayed on a silver platter for meat.
You can usually find lots of these around.
No one really wants to use them for turkey.

I love my white antique couch. Our kids gave it to us.
We reupholstered it and did lots of re-enforcement for sure.
It was well worn and used, but it is a fun and now very comfy couch.

The kitchen Island is set with this setting.
Just dishes from my stash, pink, red, white, gray.

Pink placemat, gray chevron napkins, and Michelangelo flatware.

In the sunroom, the table is set for Valentines lunch with friends.
Red heart placemats, Grey dinner plates, pink Pfaltzgraff dishes, and white
 embossed salad plates.

Pink goblets, pink napkins. For variety I added some red plates here.

I also added larger pink goblets.

A red Valentines tree was added to the middle of the table.

Our living room only got a pennant of pictures of all the grandchildren.

The table has a sweet vignette with a beautiful quilted runner given to us
for Christmas this year, 2 red amaryllis plants and a heart silver bowl,
with a beaded heart in the middle of it.

Well friends,
that is it this year for Valentines decorating.
I'm just really simple this year.

Have a great week!



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