Christmas in the Sun Room

Christmas is the sun room is so amazing!
This is my favorite room in the house now,
we added it a few years ago, windows on all of
the outside walls of the room.

As I decided to decorate this room, it needed to have
a lot of extra color.  It is painted Mindful Grey
by Sherwin Williams, on the outside walls,  a light blue
on the cealing, and the inside walls of the room are
the stuccoed walls of my house.

The most important thing for this room was the Christmas Trees sign
that I made and wanted to hang on the wall.

There isn't much wall space to hang anything - lots of windows to look
out, so this is my only wall to hang a picture, in this case
a sign.  Dana and I lounge in this room with our 
devices, and just enjoy the opportunity to look out
over our yard.  These pictures were taken at night
because it has a lot of glare on the picture on the wall
with all the windows.

Even though we have a great dinning area in our kitchen, this is our
favorite place to eat.  It is cozy for two people,
quaint and always feels like you are apart of the outside
while you are eating.

Dana always puts a dark edge around the windows on the floor to 
help keep the warmth in the room during the winter.
One thing this girl puts up with, as it isn't the prettiest
but I let it stay.
I really love how this all looks though.  

It just is so cozy!

Who wouldn't want to eat at a table like this?

On the other side of the sun room is a beautiful Victorian settee.
Our son gave it to us, and we spent a few hours reupholstering it.
One day I will share that experience with you.
But for today, it sits under our kitchen window.

You can see the warm glow of light as it come through the window.
We upholstered it in white.  
I am so in love with it, even though little feet can
really make it dirty if i'm not careful.

Here are a few more random pictures.

Enjoy decorating for Christmas!

Enjoy the Season!


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