Harvesting Acorns in the Fall

Hello out there.

A few years ago, our grand daughters were playing in our 
yard and brought me a handful of acorns.

I said,  "What!  Where did you get these?"
I think they thought they were in trouble, but I told them 
I always wanted some, and where did they find them.

They brought me to the front of our yard, where a scrub oak was
growing, and there on the ground they found acorns!

We checked all the scrub oak in our yard that year, but only the one
tree had acorns.  

This year as we came home from Georgia in September, as I 
was walking down the dirt road on our property, I saw more acorns,
this time on a different tree.

I certainly wasn't going to miss such a treasure,
and I spent a few minutes with a plastic bag in one
hand picking the acorns on the scrub oaks in our yard.

I was able to fill 3 silver bowls with this new found
treasure of mine,

Some had already changed to the beautiful brown color,
most are still in the green stage.
I knew if I waited longer they would drop to the 
ground and I would not be able to find them.

Remember in one of my last posts, I shared that I am on a 
silver hunt, finding silver pieces wherever we go.
Here is a tray and a candle holder I recently found.

Here are some fake glittered acorns,
that I have had in an arrangement in my bedroom for years,
so yes, I really do love acorns.

Such a fun fall find!
And I am able to use some of my silver treasures
along with these fun acorns.

Have a great fall day!
I so love the fall, it is my favorite season of all!
Pull out those sweaters, make a cup of hot chocolate,
and find a book to read, and watch the
fall leaves fall to the ground.

Happy Fall!



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